CoolXChange Blog
An information exchange supporting healthy active lifestyles.
Carissa Holland sets her sights on gold at the Games
In the lead up to the Games we will be taking a closer look into the journey of one of Australia’s most exciting participants, Australian Wrestling athlete Carissa Holland. Taking up the sport of Wrestling at only 9 years of age to help her deal with bullying at...
Ankle Sprain – The Hidden Cost and What to do About It?
Written by Michael O’Doherty, Doctor of Chiropractic at Chiropractic Moves. The Lateral Ankle Sprain, or “Inversion Sprain”, is the most common ankle injury and in 2016 the British Journal of Sports Medicine’s expert panel released a statement saying that ankle...
Complete Guide to Sprains: Wrist, Knee & Ankle
Sprains! No matter where you get one, they can be one of the most inconvenient injuries due to their ability to cause pain and limit movement. Quickly identifying and treating a sprain injury is vital, as an incorrect diagnosis or a delay in treatment can prolong the...
Common running injuries: symptoms, recovery & prevention
Whether preparing for your latest marathon or simply going for a brisk jog after work, running injuries can occur at any intensity or skill level. We’ve compiled a list of a few of the most common injuries affecting runners, symptoms to look out for, as well as...
Wrist sprain: symptoms, treatment and recovery
If you're experiencing wrist pain or discomfort after an accident you may have a sprain. A wrist sprain can be a painful and inconvenient injury so understanding the symptoms and best treatment are essential. Read on to find out more about how to identify a sprain and...
Knee sprains: symptoms and recovery
Knee sprains are an extremely common injury and can be confusing, with a variety of different “grades” of sprain, and a variety of ways in which the ligaments can be damaged, it can be hard to even know if you’ve sprained your knee or not! Read on to find out how to...
The origins of the humble ice pack
Where exactly did the ice pack come from? This article provides a short history of the humble ice pack which has been assisting in pain and injury management for over half a century. The use of natural ice Ice and the act of cooling the body has long been used by...
Cool facts: Why listening to music helps you exercise
Struggling to motivate yourself to get on that treadmill? Music might be the answer. Disassociate your way to improved fitness Listening to music while you exercise can assist you in working out for longer. Sure, it won’t help you get to the treadmill but studies have...
How do you treat an ankle sprain?
Ouch! Ankle sprains are one of the most common soft tissue injuries. Simply stepping on an uneven surface or landing awkwardly on the side of your foot can cause a sprained ankle. Read on to learn more about how to correctly treat this injury. What is an ankle sprain?...
Cool facts: Why lactic acid is good for you
Contrary to what you may think, lactic acid is not responsible for the soreness felt in muscles days after strenuous exercise. Read on to discover why lactic acid is actually good for our bodies. What is lactic acid? Lactic acid, or lactate is the by-product of...
Innovations in cold therapy
Cold therapy is one of the leading non-invasive forms of pain relief. Cooling the area slows down blood flow to the site of the injury thereby slowing circulation, reducing inflammation and associated pain. We have moved beyond the simple ice pack with a myriad of...
Why you need a wellness program at your workplace
Workplace wellness programs are becoming more and more common for Australian businesses. Benefits are widespread for both the employee and organisation. A healthy workplace is an investment in your people and their productivity and happiness. Benefits for employees...